Recreation PEI Inc. Constitution
Last Amended June 2013
Incorporation November 2009
Article I
This organization shall be known as Recreation PEI Inc. Short Name shall be known as Rec PEI. Recreation PEI Inc. shall hereinafter be referred to as the Association.
Article II
The Association shall be a non-profit organization without share capital. The Association shall be carried on without pecuniary gain to its members, its directors shall serve without remuneration and any profits shall be used in promoting its purposes and objects.
Article III
To promote, coordinate, and encourage all facets of recreation, physical activity, facilities and parks in Prince Edward Island; to enhance the opportunities for all Islanders to live healthy, active lifestyles; to increase public and political awareness of detrimental effects of physical inactivity in the Prince Edward Island.
- to provide the opportunity for everyone involved in the field of recreation, physical activity, facilities and parks to meet, to present their views and concerns, to discuss and exchange ideas, methods, and techniques.
- to offer leadership development for managers, volunteers, and practitioners through conferences, seminars and workshops based on the interest of its members.
- to play an advocacy role in the expression of the needs and interests of our members.
- to provide a channel of communication and information concerning new ideas, resources, [financial, human, etc.] methods and techniques in the field of recreation, physical activity, facilities and parks by means of a newsletter and/or bulletin.
- to provide recognition to those who have made a contribution to the field of recreation, physical activity, facility operations and parks.
- to promote general interest among recreation, physical activity, facility, and parks professionals andor other representatives in the successful operation of their respective areas of interest.
- to develop a strong partnership with appropriate organizations and associations.
Article IV
Powers/area of Jurisdiction:
- The Association shall exercise the following powers:
(a) to acquire funds, whether through grants or otherwise, to assist the Association with its purposes and objects.
(b) to hire or otherwise employ persons to assist the Association in the fulfillment of its purposes and objects.
(c) to enter into any arrangements with any Government authority, municipality, local or otherwise that may seem conducive to the Association’s objects and to obtain
(d) from any such government authority any rights, privileges, concessions which the association may think it desirable to obtain and to carry out, exercise and comply with any such arrangements, rights, privileges and concessions.
(e) to do all such acts or things as are incidental or conducive to the attainment of the object and to exercise all and every power set forth in Section 15(1) of the Companies Act, RSPEI 1988, Chapter C-14.
- 2. The operation of the Association is to be carried out mainly within the Province of Prince Edward Island.
Article V
In the event of the dissolution of the Association, the Executive Committee shall disperse all funds after the payment of all debts and liabilities to one or more charitable organizations.