High Five PHCD – July 7

High Five Principles of Healthy Child Development

Thursday, July 7, 9:00am-1:30 pm

O’Leary Town Hall (18 Community St, O’Leary)

Email: [email protected] to register

$55 (+hst) per person ($65 +hst for non-members)

Maximum 25 participants

What is PHCD?
The Principles of Healthy Child Development (PHCD) is a 4-hour training that equips front-line leaders (anyone working with children aged 6 to 12 – i.e. camp counsellor, coaches, after school staff, swim instructors) with the tools to immediately enhance the quality of the programs they are leading. It provides essential training in the HIGH FIVE Principles of healthy child development so front-line leaders understand what they need to do to ensure each child’s social, emotional and cognitive needs are met. Leaders learn activities and gain knowledge, tips and resources to enhance their relationships with the children, speak a common language with their fellow staff and create a child-centred program.
PHCD is specifically designed to meet adult learner needs with the same high-quality experiential learning you expect from HIGH FIVE products. The content is relevant and reflects current research on healthy child development.

• PHCD 4-hour provides flexibility. With a 4-hour training, staff can complete the PHCD certification in a half-day. This lowers costs for employers who must pay for staff training time.

• Same great quality with updated content. PHCD 4-hour provides the same high-quality content, delivered in a way that meets adult learner needs and allows participants to implement what they learn right away.

• PHCD 4-hour still provides a certificate of completion. The additional modules provide additional learning opportunities.

• PHCD 4-hour is cost effective because of the extra flexibility.

• PHCD 4-hour will be the prerequisite course for training like QUEST 2.