Tobacco-Free Sport & Recreation
Policy Development
Recreation PEI is dedicated to promoting safe facilities for all to enjoy. Since 2006, we’ve participated in tobacco-free sport & recreation initiatives during which a number of helpful materials were developed to assist in the creation of tobacco-free policies. Your team, town council, board of management, or other groups are welcome to use these resources to create your own tobacco-free team policy or facility.
To see a sample municiple policy, click here.
For More Information Check Out These Sites

Back row from left: Barb Mullaly, President Recreation PEI; Tylan Robinson, O’Leary; Krista Locke-Ellis, West Prince Sports Council; Mayor David MacDonald, Souris; Wayne Crouse, Morell; and Mike Connolly, Crapaud. Front row from left: David Gallant, Rustico; Joanne Weir, Stratford; Mayor Richard Collins, Montague; Sue Hendricken, Charlottetown; Kim Meunier, Cornwall; Cory Thomas, Summerside; and Minister Robert Vessey.