Recreation PEI Inc.Bylaws
Last Amended June 2013
Incorporation November 2009
SECTION A – Good Standing
1. A member shall be deemed to be in good standing provided membership dues, as
prescribed by the Association, have been paid.
SECTION B Membership Classification and Fees (approved May 2012)
Membership Types Condition Amount PLUS $25/facility registered
Community with Rec Program Director* 125.00
Community without Program Director* 100.00
Facility Publically Owned with Program Person* 100.00
Facility Publically Owned without Program Person 75.00
Facility Privately Owned which offers physical activity programming 150.00
Community Centre
Publically Owned owned/operated by community group &
offering some physical activity program 75.00
Regional Council group overseeing the recreation for a
geographical area 125.00
Post Secondary Educational Institutions institution which offers programs in
allied areas 75.00
Elementary and Secondary Schools institution which offers programs in
allied areas 50.00
Commercial Members individual company or advertiser
with $1000 in yearly 160.00
Private Program Provider individuals or company that provides activity programs 50.00
Individuals people with interest in recreation or facility 35.00
Affiliate Members like minded ‘Not for Profit’ organizations 25.00
SECTION C How Members may Withdraw
1. Any member may terminate membership in the Association by notifying the Board of
Directors in writing to that effect.
SECTION D How Members may be Removed
Member may be removed by a 50% plus one majority, if the member’s objectives,
purposes and goals are no longer similar to the Association.
1. The Board of Directors shall negotiate agreements with the Canadian Parks and
Recreation Association on behalf of the membership after a consultation process has
taken place with the membership.
SECTION F Voting Privileges
1. The right to vote shall be as outlined in ARTICLE 1- Section A.
2. Only members in good standing shall be entitled to be represented or vote at any meeting of the Association. Members in good standing must have paid their membership dues.
SECTION A - Officers and Directors
1. The officers and directors of the Association shall form the Board of Directors:
(a) Immediate Past President
(b) President]
(c) Vice President
(d) Secretary
(e) Treasurer
(f) Directors (6)
(g) Government Liaison [ex-officio]
(h) Executive Director [ex-officio]
Normally at one time, no more than six (6) of the Officers and Directors shall be either
professionals or volunteer, as defined below.
* Volunteer is defined as a person who is not currently employed in the field of recreation, physical activity, facilities or parks.
* Professional is defined as a person who is currently employed in the field of
recreation, physical activity, facilities or parks.
2. Terms of Office
(a) The Vice President will be elected for a one year term, moving onto the
President and Past president positions over the following two years.
(b) The Secretary, Treasurer and Directors (Committee Chairs) will be elected for
two year terms.
(c) The Secretary, three committee chairs and the director at large will be elected in
even numbered years (example 2010) and the Treasurer and other three
committee chairs will be elected in uneven numbered years (example 2011).
(d) The election of officers and directors will be held at Annual Meetings.
(e) Only members in good standing shall hold office.
(f) The existing officers and directors shall be eligible for re-election. If any of such
officers are unable to be present at the Annual General Meeting, he/she must
signify his/her acceptance of nomination by letter.
(g) Any vacancies, which occur between the Annual General Meetings, may be
filled by the Board of Directors which shall be for the duration of the current
SECTION B - Duties of Board of Directors
1. The officers and directors shall comprise the Board of Directors for the Association.
2. The Board of Directors shall carry on the general business of the Association.
3. The Board of Directors may employ staff whose duty shall be to conduct the routine
business of the Association. The Board shall determine the working conditions, salary
and duties of all staff.
4. The Board of Directors shall have the authority to appoint or name any committee
deemed necessary to carry out the business of the Association.
5. The Board of Directors must meet at least four times in each year and at such time and
place as the President may direct. The President may call additional meetings at his/her
own discretion or upon request in writing from four members of the board.
6. The Board of Directors shall have power to make rules, regulations, and arrangements as to all matters of business, duties, management, regulations or otherwise, so far as not
already herein provided expressly for.
SECTION C - Duties of Officers and Directors
1. President: The president shall preside at all meetings of the Association and of its
Executive Board. He/she shall be responsible for the proper observance at all times of
the Constitution and Bylaws and shall arrange for such meetings as may be deemed
necessary for the advancement of the objectives of the Association.
2. Vice President: In the event the president becomes unable to execute his/her duties, the
Vice President shall assume the duties of the president until the election at the next
Annual General Meeting.
3. Immediate Past President: The Immediate Past President shall be Chairperson of the
Awards and Nomination Committee.
4. Secretary: The Secretary shall ensure that accurate records of all minutes are kept at all
times. The Secretary shall ensure that executive members are notified of all meetings at
least one week in advance of the meeting.
5. Treasurer: The Treasurer shall ensure that accurate records of all receipts and
disbursements of the Association are kept at all times. The Treasurer shall have presented a financial statement for each meeting of the board. The Treasurer shall have prepared by an accounting firm or approved Bookkeeping Service, for the presentation to the membership, a financial statement each year to the Annual General Meeting of the Association.
SECTION D - Duties of the Executive Committee
1. The Executive Committee shall be composed of the Immediate Past President, President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer.
2. A majority of the Executive Committee shall constitute a quorum.
3. All actions of the Executive Committee shall be subject to review by the Board.
4. The Executive Committee shall manage the affairs of the Association between meetings
of the Board.
5. Meetings of the Executive Committee shall be held from time to time at the call of the
President, or at the request of any two [2] members of the Executive Committee.
6. Any member of the Executive Committee who is not a duly elected member of the Board shall not have voting privileges on the Executive Committee.
SECTION E – Duties of Other Committees
1. There will be standing committees and/or ‘ad hoc’ committees which will deal with the following areas.
Communication & Promotion
Programs (Physical Activity and Recreation
Facility Operation and Training
Leadership and Partnership
Parks, Playgrounds, Fields and Trails
2. The duty of committees is to provide input and direction on their respective areas, to the Board.
SECTION A - Annual General and Special Meetings
1. The Annual General Meeting shall be held annually within ninety (90) days after the end of each fiscal year, at a place and date to be determined by the Board of Directors, and notice of each annual meeting shall be sent to all members [14] days prior to the annual meeting.
2. Special General Meetings of the Association may be called on the order of the president
or on the request of any one third of the members of the Association, setting forth the
objects of such a meeting which must be held within fourteen [14] days of receipt of such a request.
3. The order of business at the Annual General Meeting, or Special General Meeting, shall
be arranged by the Executive Committee and is to be sent to all members fourteen [14]
days prior to the meeting.
4. A quorum at the Annual General Meeting, or Special General Meeting, shall consist of
those members in attendance in reference to Article V of the Constitution and a majority
of the Executive.
SECTION B - Board of Directors Meetings
1. The Board of Directors the Association shall meet a minimum of four times in addition to the Annual General Meeting of the Association.
2. A quorum at any Board of Directors Meeting shall consist of the President, Vice
President or Immediate Past President in the chair, plus any four voting members of the
3. There shall be no voting by proxy at any meeting of the Association, the Executive, or
any Committee.
1. The fiscal year of the Association shall run from April 1 to March 31.
2. The Board of Directors shall make an annual report and present properly prepared
financial statements of the association to the members at the Annual General Meeting.
The Board of Directors may appoint an auditor.
3. The President, the Treasurer, and Executive Director shall have signing authority for the
association. At least two signatures are required. Any two of the President, the Vice-
President, the Secretary and the Treasurer will sign cheques made out to the Executive
1. Amendments to the Constitution and Bylaws must be voted upon at an Annual or Special General Meeting of the Association.
2. Notice of Motion of proposed amendments must be presented to the Board of Directors
and the membership, at least fourteen [14] days prior to such a meeting.
3. A quorum of 50% plus one of voting members must be in attendance at an Annual or
Special General Meeting to vote on a constitutional amendment. There must be a
favourable majority vote of 50% plus one to pass a constitutional amendment.
1. Robert’s Rules of Order shall be followed for all meetings of the Association and the
Executive Board.
Organization Chart
Local and Regional (Grass Roots)
Physical Activity, Facility and Parks Professionals and Volunteers
Board of Directors*
*Section A, B, C, D, E of by-laws define duties
Advocacy, Promotion & Communication
Programs Committee (Physical Activity & Recreation)
Facility Operation and Training
Leadership and Partnership
Parks, Fields, Playgrounds, Trails